
Tree Removal: Alternatives to woodchip or firewood.

Are you removing a large hardwood tree from your yard?

There’s more you can do than just turn it into mulch or firewood.

At JPM Hardwood Furniture we have two options for the trunk of your tree.

If you are looking to update your home décor, we can turn your tree into custom made furniture or furnishings, from tables, shelving, boards, posts, rails, benchtops, even doors, your imagination is your only limit. We have 2 Lucas Mill's to cut the log into slabs, boards or posts, which we can arrange to store on site until they are seasoned to begin the manufacturing process. Take a look at our Gallery, Pinterest or Instagram page for some inspirational design ideas.

If you are interested in the process of picking a slab for a project please see our blog: How to Choose a Slab for Your Project with JPM | JPM Hardwood Furniture

An alternative for those who don’t want the log, you can surrender it to us (conditions apply). These conditions include access to the property, tree species, the size of the trunk, and the tree health. If it fits the criteria of an appropriate log, we can come collect the log to eliminate the need for you to get rid of the “rubbish” of a tree removal.

The team at JPM can come out and inspect the tree prior to removal to discuss these options with you to see what would suit your needs best.  The arborist would need to leave the trunk of the tree as long as possible in both situations but the team at JPM can work with your tree removal team to create a plan of attack.

Arborists we have worked with in the past:

·       Plumb Trees         ·       Tall Timbers Tree Services        ·       Shanes Tree’s

·       Tree Raider           ·       Enviro Tree Works                           ·       Habitat Tree Works

Call us today if you are interested in more information around this process.

One customer's journey with JPM

A property in Chatswood, Sydney had this beautiful angophora tree removed for safety reasons. It was huge and they were able to save a number of decent sized logs out of the tree removal. The customer contacted us to discuss their options. 

We had all 4 transported to our factory in Strathfield south. 

Where we used our Lucas Mill dedicated slabber to convert 2 logs into slabs, 1 log into stumps and the third into posts. Our Mills have the capability to cut logs up to 1.9m diameter.

We then stack these appropriately and have them stored in one of our factories on the property until the moisture levels drop down to a workable level. 

In approximately 2 years' time, we will turn these into a dining table, outdoor table, some stump side tables and potentially a barn door for this customer's new home that is in the progress of being built. 



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